Sunday, June 20, 2010

Racing to Lose...?

No matter how hard you try or how much denial you place yourself in, it always seems to catch up. You put everything in swimming through the endless sea of everyday endeavor. Ride the wave of time until you think you're where/who you want to be; then it comes. Like a Jamaican track star it races past everything you've worked hard to build and with it a syringe, filled to the top with a shot of reality. I'm talking about life. Life catches up with all of us and in the end we're left floating. Drifting, not knowing where to go or what may become of us. Everyone goes through that point and for some it may be a passing after-thought, fleeing just ask quickly as it came; but for others, it could seem like an eternity. I know most of my blogs are random things, but I felt compelled to write this after reading a dear friend's blog. Ms. Thurayya if you're reading this, which I doubt you ever will :P. You'll be okay, we all go through that period in our lives where we come to some realization. I've gone through it. Look at the random shifts I've made, from being a nursing student to joining the police academy to joining the air force. No one knows what kind of person they'll grow into and everyone wants to live a fulfilling life but the thing is, genuinely good people will remain good people. Live with passion, be fearless and never be afraid of anything, especially yourself.
Adulthood is scary, but it's a good wake-up call in some sense. I urge you to embrace it, don't allow the fear of change a chance to distort your visions on life. Grasp every moment you can and learn from it, drink from the cup of knowledge until it runs dry. You'll eventually learn that it isn't life that's catching up to you, but you learning to take hold of it. That's what it means to live a fulfilling life. To have complete control, to be completely satisfied. That's growing up in my book, shedding away from all the plasticity and being yourself.

fuck, I'm ranting again...

I'll end this blog with a a quote from one of my favorite movies starring one of my favorite actors.

"Life is not merely a series of meaningless accidents or coincidences. But rather, it's a tapestry of events that culminate in an exquisite, sublime plan"

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

And this breeze brings new promises...

the summer air filling my lungs seems to have brought with it a new sense of vitality. I can't help but smile as the summer sun shines on my face, after all; the summer sun was always my first true love and although we've parted ways many times I knew she'd always come back to me. This summer wind brings with it a glimpse of my future. A summer romance, something "ACTUALLY WORTH DRAINING MYSELF PHYSICALLY AND EMOTIONALLY". I know I'm always on here blabbering about love and all that cheesy stuff; but it's the time of fireflies, giant moons so close to the ground you could almost reach for it, and of course magic. Well, at least that's always what I thought of when I thought of summer growing up. Shit, i still think of summer as a time where anything can happen; where the rigmaroles of growing up didn't matter. There is no way in hell that I am the only one that thinks this though! Everyone gets a certain feeling whenever summer comes around the bend. Regardless of age. The over worked employer, the puffy cheeked grammar school student, and even librarians all get a certain feeling in their gut. Everything from the smell of barbecues and chlorine saturated pool water to the noise of the crickets and cicadas bring new hopes.

this is going to be a memorable summer and i can't wait until your back here, back with me..