Monday, November 10, 2014

Three Cheers for Three Years...almost...kinda...

It's been a long time since I've last felt the need and/or urge to spontaneously enter this domain of a blog again. Almost three years since my last post.  Almost.  I cant even begin to truly map out how I'd like to update this thing or what type of context I'll be putting in it. So much has happened in what seemed like a blink of an eye from my prospective (I know 2 years and some change is a long time in reality so fuck off!)  and I can't honestly say I'll remember to put everything up on here.  I know I meant to update this thing more regarding my whole "self-enlightenment" phase, but I kind of got over that real fast.  It was a fun experience but it wasn't me, which is not to say it is a load of shit; it just was not my cup of spiritual tea.  It did open my eyes in a way to the type of person I am in the sense that I have a better understanding of what types of things truly interest me and what type of things don't.

Fuck, it's 0234am and i work in 3 hrs.  I'll update this more tomorrow, or whenever I feel like it.