Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Black hole will consume you, if you allow it.

Patience is key; patience is a virtue.  Patience is something I have.  I can stand being alone.  Being alone isn't being lonely, though they seem to go hand in hand often times.  In my solitude I feel as though I can reflect on myself and rearrange the bricks to build a stronger foundation.  My most prolific thoughts come when I'm truly alone consumed by the darkness of the room.  It allows my imagination to wander, to build fantastic images in the dark that bring up the most beautiful of colors and scenes.
Patience is a key,  it can unlock a door to such amazing things.  A ticket to paradise,  a promise of greener lands, and brighter skies.  A key that everyone has; although, some choose not to use it and others simply choose to leave it at home.  I keep my key close to my heart in hopes that it will one day lead me to the door that will hold the grand prize.  I keep strong, keep looking,  remember to hold that key close; but like all beings of imperfection I have my moments of doubt.  The darkness that brings about my untapped imagination inevitably brings about the realization that I am truly alone.  The harsh thought of wandering alone in a corridor of locked doors never being able to find the gateway that only opens for my key hits me like a freight train with no brakes.  My upbeat step becomes a slow drudge.  My ever focused eyes become blurred.  Little by little I begin to fall behind; on life, on hope, on dreams.  The darkness consumes me.  The ringing of my ears is all I hear,  the heavy breathes I take are all I feel; so what's left?
All I have left is myself; my being.  I look inside,  focus on my key.  Then it happens;  like the flickers of a lantern, light begins to appear again and instantly a burst of colors fill my inner sight.  My imagination and thoughts begin to take shape,  only the most beautiful of colors embrace me.  I'm reminded that even the smallest of hope can explode to an infinite microcosm of inspiration.  The black hole that once tried to consume me fades in the distance.  I can open my eyes and finish my search.
Patience is a virtue.  It can be a breathe of fresh air,  a saving hand,  a kaleidoscope of colors,  but most importantly a little patience can bring about the promise of a beautiful life.
The black hole will always be there, trying to consume you; if you stop and let it,  but if you remember your key then there wont ever be a reason to stop.