Saturday, April 28, 2012

Dream on.

Recently I've been getting really into the study of lucid dreaming and astral projection, things of that nature.  It's very intriguing and from what I've read quite positive for bettering your life's path.  For those that don't know, lucid dreaming is the ability to realize you are dreaming and actually take control of all aspects of the dream.  This entails where you are in your dream, who you are with, what you are doing and what ever else you can possibly muster up.  Astral projection is the ability to recognize "self" and move from a physical state to a spiritual state.  This means your physical body is at rest but your concious mind allows you to leave your body in a the form of a "spiritual self" and venture into the world of astral plane.  I'm sure that some people reading this will think the notion a bit crazy or dangerous but I've done some research and will continue to do research on ways to ensure you stay in complete control as well as ways to protect yourself from what may be lurking in the abyss.  Some ways to truly better your experience that I just so happened to stumble upon are:
1.) Raising your Vibration Level
        - Vibration Level is the vibration or "aura" that you give off.  Beings of Highest level are considered enlightened.  These are the people you want to surround yourself with, they in turn will not only bring your vibration level up but also give you knowledge.  Beings of low vibration level are evil entities, from what I read its rare to encounter them unless your level is on the same frequency.  So essentially just keep joy, happiness and light in your heart.

2.) Meditation
          - Meditating is the ultimate preparation for any spiritual adventurer.  It not only calms you but will help bring you to a state of deep peace which in turn will help the cross over to the dream state.  Proper and daily meditation are key in having lucid dreams or astral projection.

3.)Dream Journals
           - For beginners or those that don't have a strong dream recall a dream journals is definitely a must!  It is a good way to start recalling dreams and a good way help in learning to understand your dreams thusly leading to the ability to control them.

There are more methods and tips but these there were the most common ones throughout all the accounts of reading.  Daily meditation, maintaining a high positive vibration level, and a dream journal are 3 good ways to start if you plan on experiencing a more hands on dream.

Now I've decided to keep my dream journal on here.  I'll record my most vivid and memorable dreams on here until I can bring my mental capacity to recall dreams into a high state.  Just be warned my dreams are a bit odd and sometimes just down right weird.

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