Sunday, September 14, 2008

Beach weekend

on a lighterr note,

this weekend was soo needed!! went down 2 dubtown n met up with mike n josh.
damm it seems like no matter how long we dont see each other, whenever we get FF 2gether its still like old times!

yea soo we got there n toked the fuck up at the beach which was something i really needed to doo, and then after that we got ready for afroman.. got fuckin donedd up n went and watched the show

by the way, mike and the marked men in my opinion was better then the afroman showw..shit is crazyyy, i cant believe it use 2 be me n mike freestyling n now this kid is opening up for afroman.. wow ritee?! and yeaa after the show we chilled with afroman at the afterparty..

afroman is ur typical black man, everything ud expect..smelly, sweaty, drunk, and high! lol but yoo that dude is mad funny

after that we went back 2 the beach n just smoked up n chilled, didnt do so much smoking n drinking thoo cuz britneyy (who i havent seen in forever) kept me occupied..

u know, nothing beats watching the sunrise at the beach.. especially when ur with people u care about seems like all the cares go away and for those 40 or so minutes everything is perfect, its all where it needs to be.. even with the parties , getting up with the old but never replaced crew, the random girls ( who i owe cigs to!! lol), meeting afroman and britney<3

i think the best part of this trip, was sitting on the beach, watching the moon go away and the sun come back up.. beauty at its most simplest form, yet still nothing can compare

What came first: the music, or the misery?

there's only 2 kinds of people in the world, those that lie.. and those that lie so well they can make anything seem true..i belong to the latter group, but still its amazing to see that there are some people out there that seem to be on a whole new level of bullshit mouths! I know that im not the only one who knows of the group of people i talk about. considering there are so many songs out there about heartache and not being in love. i mean its crazy how there are literally thousands upon thousands of songs about the pain inflicted by another, whether it be a significant other or a parent figure or a stranger.

and its obvious that some feel more then others, usually musicians draw their inspiration thru feelings and/or past happenings that brought about feelings..shit i can name a few albums composed primarily about songs of tragedy, so why the fuck is this? did the first person to ever decide to write about a broken heart realize that what he was doing was setting a milestone? i highly doubt it, im sure he just needed a way to get out all of those painful feelings that seem to only stab at u the hardest when ur confined to the solitude of ur mind and what not..

misery has always been here, but i know that for as far back as people can document there have been poems and plays about heartache and tragedy..

i dont think any1 realizes how much bullshit surrounds them, it seems like their are a million movies and songs that remind us that we're destined to get hurt and that we'll get "lucky" one day and find someone. really? lucky? its kinda sad how a definitive companionship is drawn by luck. cuz i mean every1 knows fate is bullshit, and any1 who still thinks fate is real must live in a lollipop world where no1 steals and kathy bates doesnt exsist. If fate can be changed then..THAT SHIT AINT REAL!


Monday, September 8, 2008

Thursday, September 4, 2008

well im back with more, random and non essential things..

first off, i had such a sick weekend, aside from slut bullshit it's been a good month!

soo due to my insomnia i tend to wander the internet aimlessly at night, and i usually never do these quiz thingys, and when i do i usually fly thru them just throwing out random answers..but.. i found this one and i found myself actually thinking about it..well here's the quiz, i dont care who reads it, i mean only 4 people keep up with this blog anyway and of the 4 there's only like one question that applies to one of you.
99 Personal Questions

What is your full name?:John Rufio Tee
Your birth date::Feb. 18, 1988
What color is your hair? Is it short, medium or long?:blackish-browish and medium short..?
What color are your eyes?:brown
How tall are you?:five foww
Single or Taken?:complicated
Do you have pets? If so, how many and what kind?:2, fishes- kissing gourami
Who do you live with?:la familia
What do you do for school and work?:nursing student/professional asian
Any kids? If not, do you want any?:not that i know of, and maybe 1 in the future
What music do you listen to the most?:lately, 80s
Do you like to read? If so...favorite book(s)?:nope
Virgin or not?:nope
Name your 3 closest friends.:mike, dotty, romeo
Which one is your very best friend?:romeo
Your it fair, medium or dark?:medium
How often do you really "go out"?:on average, 4 times a week
Have you ever lost anyone you loved?:yeapp
Ever been in love?:i thought i was
On a scale of 1-5 how organized are you?:-2
Do you excercise regularly? If so, how often?:yea, workout every other day, run 2 days a week
Zodiac sign?:aquarius
Have any nick names? If so, what?:rufio, noodles, chop, jt
Name a couple of T.V. shows you watch a lot.:the office, family guy, smallville
Movie(s) you can watch over and over::gross pointe blank, click, say anything, blow, and tron
Do you have tattoos? If yes, how many and where are they?:1 on my upper left back
Any piercings? If yes, how many and where are they?:use to have both ears
Wear glasses?:on my bummin days
Have braces?:a long long time ago
Do you have siblings? If so, how many?:2
Are your parents still together?:yea
What is/was your worst subject in school?:anatomy
Your best subject?:3d sculpture
Name one thing from the past that no one knows:I use to be fat as a kid
Do you like to dance?:hellz yeahh
Sing?:hellz nooo
Favorite color?:red
Favorite Holiday?:halloween
Where, outside of the U.S. would you like to visit?:italy
Do people tell you that you act older, younger, or your age?:older
Ever have an imaginary friend as a child?:maybe?
Ever been skinny dipping?:for like 2 mins.
Did/Do you enjoy highschool for the most part?:yea
Do any drugs? If yes, what?:use to do exstacy but its strate pineapple express from now on
Drink? If yes, how often?:maybe every weekend
Ever been in a physical fight? If yes how many and who were they with?:like 3 real ones n tons of random scraps
Have you ever cheated in a recent relationship? If so, explain:i cheated on Van, 3 times and of the 2 times it was with the same i regret it..nopee
What's your definition of cheating?:anything you dont want your significant other doing with someone else behind your back
Do you wear pajamas to places other than at your house?:no
Have you ever stolen anything from a store or from someone?:yes
Ever cheated on a test?:yes
Ever been in any legal trouble?:yes
Do you regret anything?:tons
Name 5 of the most important things in your life.:my hands, sketchbook, mp3 player, hot pockets, and diazepam
How many languages can you speak and what are they?:3; english, filipino and spanish(kinda)
Are you a touchy feely person?:sure
Do you take showers in the morning or at night more?:both are even
Do you trust easily?:not anymore
Any phobias?:none really
Are you a heavy or light sleeper?:somewhere in the middle
When did you make your myspace profile?:a good while ago
Any disorders you've actually been diagnosed with (O.C.D., A.D.D...)?:insomnia
Are you a morning person?:hope
Sunrise or sunset?:sunset
Ever had surgery?:on my thumb
Ever come close to death?:a couple of times
Ever broken any bones?:wrist
When you die, would you rather be burried or cremated?:does it matter?
Play any instruments? If so, what?:guitar
Have you been told you can sing well more than once?:nope
3 physical features you get complimented on a lot::hair, calves, and eyes
Your least favorite feature::height
Clothing store you shop at the most::vertical urge
What is/are your heritage(s)?:filipino
What is your religion or do you not really have one?:catholic
Ever been cheated on?:im pretty sure i have
Ever had a one night stand? If so, how many and do you regret any of them?:yea, a couple, and i regret the ones i cant remember
Current friend that you have known the longest::ajel, 18 yrs
Name someone you can tell just about anything to.:romeo
Sweet or Sour?:doesnt matter
Where were you born?:philippines
Do any of your close friends have children?:a few
Are any of them married?:like 2 of them
Have you ever taken any antidepresants or anxiety medication?:yea, but none were prescribed to me
Ever seen a therapist?:a long time ago
Did/do you transfer schools a lot?:no
Favorite animal to have as a pet::jack russells are the best dogs
How many floors does your home have? How many bedrooms and bathrooms?:2 floors, 4 bedrooms
Do you live in a neighborhood or in the middle of nowhere?:neighborhood
Favorite food::pizza bagels
Do you like to shop?:sure
How often do you go online?:im always online
How sexual are you on a scale of 1-10?:8
Something or someone you miss the most from childhood::i miss Legends of the hidden Temple.. that was an awesome show
Have you ever slept with somone 10 years or more older than you?:came close to
Over 10 years younger?:a 10 yr old? lol no thanks
Are you usually late, early or right on time?:right on time
Are you happy with your life for the most part right now?:sure, people who complain are the people that aren't doing shit 2 better themselves

Click here to take this survey or find others at surveyspace.
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oo0o on a side note:
Have u ever caught some1 lying to u, and u know they're lying, n u try mad hard to get them 2 just admit it but they continue to lie and hide and act pathetically childish? yeaaa lately that seems to be going around alot soo if u've been in that situation then ur not alone. Honestly tho, how sad to u have to be that u have to lie hard as hell, and for what? u act like coming out straight up is so wrong when its so easy, and i mean wat the fuck.. i said i got ur back and we'll always be cool peoples..why fucking hide shit thinking ur slick? YOU'RE NOT SLICK BOSSMAN, have u ever considered that the reason why i havent busted ur shit yet is because i actually care about u n i dont wanna make shit awkward for u..but shows how much u care tho rite? gotta lie n shit..yea ur a real good friend..

lol my rantings above only apply to one person, soo whoever else stumbles over this..dont even worry about it, and to take ur mind off of's a black man!