Saturday, September 11, 2010

Enough is enough I do believe..

For those that never accept last place, for the guys that never learned how to say the words "I quit", or "it's out of my league". For the ones that selflessly sacrifice ever moral fiber of their existence to obtain success. I proudly present to you the newest member of this small percentage of true believers and "doomed from the get-go" individuals. His name is John, and he no longer wishes to sit on the sidelines believing that waiting for the love of his life will bring him..the love of his life! I know most people write things like this saying "I'll never give up hope" or "I'll love until I can't love anymore.", but; fuck that! I quit at being naive, at believing she'll care for me. Fellow readers, imagine this. You give a significant opposite everything you've got and in the end she not only denies you but labels you a ghost, ignores you as if there was never anything between you at all. Now most people would think I was proclaiming my devote faith in love and that I wouldn't be quitting on trying to gain her love back. NO! complete opposite. This is the last time I say I'll quit and this is me quitting on trying, simply because I die inside every time I notice you not notice me. I can't live that life anymore. So now I say this for the last time, "I quit" and from now on, I'll make sure I mean it. No more forgetting about you and then jumping back into your radar the minute you manipulate me back into your life. I'll promise myself that I'll never quit on quitting you. I'll forge a cage around my heart so tough you'll never be able to reach me. I'll drain myself emotionally and re-hydrate from neutral waters until I'm completely rid of all feelings for you. You'll be a ghost, an after-imagine. Just a figment with no face, one that can no longer torment me. You never realized how much you hurt me. While you lived your life in the shadow of a kind, soft spoken girl there was a heart bleeding out from the wounds you inflicted and not once did you bother to care. So many sleepless nights, I died a thousand times and came back to a heartache worse then death.

I can't wait to get out of this town. Away from you..from everything.

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