Thursday, September 30, 2010

It's Empty...Til we meet again.

For the longest time I've had my unrivaled ego to fall back to. A safety blanket to catch me when I've fallen well below my predicted status of "greatness". I've always believed there was something better. I look back and read through these blogs and all I see is a man filled with heartache and pain. I wrote about happiness and despair with no conviction. Here was a person attempting to fill this empty space with words that he thought meant something and at the same time enforcing restraints to save face, but in the end it was a fight with no pulled punches. I ended up allowing all my unfiltered emotion to flow from my heart on to this screen. This will be my last passage until I feel my heart plays to a new beat, one of joy and happiness. Truly something worth sharing to the world, instead of this sadness that infects so many like a virus with no cure. So for my last blog, I want to address the girl for which many of my blogs have spawned from and then I want to leave it at that. Of course I will acknowledge my readers as well.

Dear Jamie,
**EDIT** so i wrote this whole thing about how someday karma will catch up to you and you'll feel the pain of heartbreak, but; I change my mind. I don't want to waste that much space on you. I'll just say Goodbye

Now to my readers,
Thanks for reading and keeping up with my random blogs. I know most of the time my writings have been deep and depressing but I think I have a few good ones in there right?!

here's some Aventura!

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