Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ok im serious this time...

ok i really did meet a girl this time. I know most of you are thinking, "here's another John story" well...FUCK YOU! its gonna be another john story, but a good one! just like all my other ones.. :)

No but seriously, have you ever had one of those moments where you meet someone, assume they're of the common populace..and then.. BAM! your hit with a ton of bricks, this person who you assumed was so common was in fact 1 in a million, and not only that. SHE WAS YOUR NUMBER 1 IN A MILLION!!! it only took a few small instances; a joke here, a conversation there, maybe even an exchange of smiles from time to time; but thats all i needed, i always thought that the way people interact during those small moments of insignificances are what truly expose a person. When you're just conversing, plain and simple. Not "spittin game" or whatever it is these young kids call it today, but just talking; not even realizing your becoming a part of something bigger. My heart's pounding just typing, and im smiling so hard now that i realize how much i truly want to make her smile. If i could just do that for a living, things would be perfect.

Well loyal fans, now that you know the good news. Here's me being a debbie downer...kinda...

Im not gonna pursue it. She's talking to someone at the moment, and i cant take away something so amazing from someone else. I have no idea who she is talking to, but if she has an interest in him; then he must be a good guy and i cant deny someone the opportunity to find true happiness. She embodies happiness, and where ever she goes flowers will grow and the sun will shine. :)

Its ok tho, thats life! Maybe one year she'll be with someone, and the next year ill be someone and so on and so forth; but someday things will be just rite and that perfect moment will be worth waiting a million years for.<- (i stole this from the office, but kinda changed the words up btwclick me to check it out!) the beautiful girl that will one day be the love of my life, I hope i see you soon :)

stay classy-

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