Saturday, April 3, 2010

Rednecks are shifty as hell

ok so i just got back from a party in sanford....wat the fuckkkk?! why are rednecks so grimey?! seriously world, i need to know. well i hope your comfortable, cuz a john story is coming up.

sanford nico extended an invited to go to this kid's going away party tonight. I of course went, met up with sanford nico, phil, hash, n louis. We chilled for a bit, n then headed out. Got to the party, it was actually pretty sickkk. Man those girls down in the middle of nowhere loves guys like me apparently all they have down in the boonies are rednecks, wiggers, and dirty ass black dudes. Ok so i meet a few girls and its looking like a good night, i definitely had all the intentions of banging it out with u brooke (not that ull ever see this tho!).
THEN out of no where a parade of hillbilly rednecks show up, like literally these kids were so backwoods it wasnt even funny. One guy had on nothing but overalls n boots! ok soo fuckin we're like watever we'll let these kids do their thing. The girls were kinda creeped out by them too so they stayed with us. I guess after awhile the hillbillies realized the girls werent into missing teeth and stories of tractors so they decided they'd talk shit and make fun of us "city boys"; even tho i was the only person from a city at the party!

ok so long story short, a huge fucking brawl broke out. Huge as in, almost the whole party. everyone made it out ok tho, except hash.....but ill give it 2 him tho, he's a champ, he decked the biggest redneck there.....but then got thrown through a glass window. So yeaa.. we heard the word "gun" n decided this wasnt a party we wanted to see through to the end.

anyway, aside from the cut on my elbow im actually more pissed that i had 2 drive all the way back to durham!!

yea so how was your night?

o0o yea on a super secret side note... i stole one of the rednecks car keys n threw it in the woods

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