Friday, March 26, 2010

Early Morning Thoughts

Ok so maybe 9:15am isnt that early to some people, but it is to me! I actually woke up at 7 cuz i had to drop off a buddy at the airport. good note, i got mickey Ds breakfast! :) i havent had that in like forever. bad note, I have no idea what to do this early!! 400 channels and nothing is good on TV, i cant go back to sleep, and i JUST let my xbox live account expire!! well i guess ill review something on here, lets see how it works out.

ok so lately ive been going back into my old addiction of shoes. its terrible... but not really... and although ive been fiending mostly nikes, the Reebok Shaqnosis are one of the few exceptions. They arent that special as far as shoe structure goes, i mean u cud buy a pair of AND1s that literally have the same shape. What makes the shoe so desirable aside from the fact that its a kickheads collectors item, is the unique design that anyone will notice a mile away. One look at these shoes and anyone who grew up in the 90s will think back to days when the big man was breaking backboards and blocking the lesser of his kind. I had a pair of Shaqnosis when i was younger and ill tell u rite now, these are some comfortable ass shoes! i dont really remember how comfortable they were per se, but i know i wore the fuck out of them. I played ball in them, ran around in them, and wore them through many a snowdays. Very durable! Well, i definitely hope to find a good pair online somewhere, ill keep u guys updated on my hunt!

until then, stay classy

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