Thursday, March 25, 2010

Story Time Part 1

you know, instead of talking about how my week is or what's being going on in the life of [john] i think i'd much rather tell a story... im more in a "story telling mood" anyway.

its about a guy, and what story wouldnt be complete without a we need a timeframe, lets and now...ok soo all we need is a place and some names! how about, the story takes place in north carolina and we'll call the boy jim and the girl Vicki. works? sure.

Now this story should be just like every other "boy-meets-girl" story out there -rite- boy meets girl, boy loses girl, sad sad sad, better better better, happy ending.. good? nahhh how about:

This is the story of Jim, Jim isnt like every1 else...sure he goes through all the same ankst and dilemma's that a normal teenage boy goes through.. but he's lost. Not Deep Space 9 lost, just "lost". From the world, from reality, from love, ...from himself... Now everyone at his age goes through a stage when realization hits and they dont know what comes next..thats lost.. but Jim seems to be worse. It seems like everyone else is paddling through the oceans of life in a row boat while Jim struggles to stay above water. Of course there are people that have it worse...starving children, abused individuals, and hoodrats.. but what did Jim know about them? just because he wasnt in that situation didnt mean his troubles were any less... pain is pain... as Jim would put it " when the hurt takes you to the point where you cant take being alive anymore, then it doesnt matter what caused it..ur pain is as serious as any other."

So there goes Jim, floating by life, letting the debris of livelihood drift past him no urge to pull anything in, embrace life, just getting older.. a vessel..watching the world pass... until one day.. he met Vicki, and from there on out... life no longer drifted pass Jim.

Part 2 coming soon! i gots to get some shitsss done

*Disclaimer- by choosing to read this, you agree to not reprint any of the following passages for personal gain and/or claim the property as an original work..dont be a douche

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