Thursday, March 25, 2010

Prologue....sort of...

Im gonna be posting the story i was working on b4, i kinda ended up but its ok, here's the little lead up to the story:

Just Like Heaven

have you ever met some1 so amazing that you couldnt help but fall for them? and i mean the kind of falling where you don't even care where you land cause you know they'll be there no matter what. the kind that lasts forever but happens in the blink of an eye. I think i've found her..only problem is:

(lol n there's always a fucking catch dammit!)

i cant be with her, and i really mean I CANT BE WITH HER the reasons are probably endless, but mainly cause it'll complicate the hell out of things and by this i mean family-wise, our "group" wise, and because of promises and bonds that ive made. I wont get too into detail, but damm mann, if it were only as easy as saying "i love you, be with me.." but i guess it never is huh?

*********************SIDE NOTE************

i havent written in this shit at all! i keep forgetting! ive been soo busy! well actually, not really... n im suppose 2 be uploading videos dammit! lol of Franklin St after UNC won, of titus n nico's performance, n just other shit!! well ill probably get 2 all that eventually


ok, on second thought, i think i mite tell her... i know itll never turn out rite, n i know itll probably be bad n shitt...but wateverr if anything i can always run off to the philippines n live on the beach lol godd dam i miss the philippines!

Eye Candy


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