Thursday, March 25, 2010

Endlessly//Story Time 4

Late at night you called on a phone,
We talked about the day,
When you found out he was cheating.

the lyrics echoed through his ear...Jim continues to listen on..entranced..

And I know I've always just been your friend,
But if you look my way,
I'll make sure you'll never hurt again.

his heart stops..

Do you know I exist, just to promise you this,
Endlessly to be true to you,
And if you answer my prayer,
I cross my heart and I'd swear
Endlessly to be true to you,

his brain stops..

And in my sweetest dream,
You've learn to put your faith in me, endlessly,
Sometimes the thing you need,
Is the one thing you can't see
If you put your faith in me,
How beautiful you and I would be.

his lungs stop..

And if you'd only see
How beautiful you and I would be, endlessly

his pain stops...

just then everyhing stopped for Jim; the crying babies, the fat guy at the video store, the couple sharing an ice cream, the all stops..except one thing... Jim's smile never stopped for one minute. Just then he hears in the most angelic voice God has ever created " thats our song, it makes me think of you and i wanted to dedicate it to you." Where was it coming from? Jim looks at his phone, a deer caught in the midst of an oncoming car. Those 10 numbers meant somethng, they were the keys to communicating with an angel. He smiles again..and replies "thanks vicki."

This was routine now, Vicki called Jim, Jim called Vicki..eitherway they were always on the phone or holding hands. Although the "Normal People and official Rules for dating" handbook official sanctioned them as still just friends, they became inseperable, neither one cared about titles. The only thing they cared about was the undeniable fact that they had each other. No matter what kind of luggage from the past the two carried they never changed their feelings towards each other. This was truly the rescue Jim needed. Just months ago he was at his wits end, barely above water when from the mist a savior came in a "dinky white toyota avalon" boat and pull him up from the murky doom he was so ready to accept.

It was now the time for Jim to do his part. He knew he needed to ask her the most important question of his life. The "do or die" moment as they say. He had dreamt about this moment for so long, he was ready. Locked, Stocked and full loaded. He prepared himself, he was going to ask Vicki to not only be his girlfriend..but he wanted Vicki to know that he intended on making her the only girl he ever said "i love you" to.

Here he goes...out of the water, and into the fire...

::::Part 5 coming soon!:::::

**Disclaimer** Dont be a douche and copy my writing :)

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