Thursday, March 25, 2010

"Get your head out of the clouds kid"// Story Part 2

As they would say, nothing in life ever comes easy; applying for college isnt easy, running a 10 mile marathon isnt is, and telling a girl you have nothing in common with that you think the world of her sure as hell isnt easy! "Imagine waking up everyday knowing you're bound to see something you can never have. It's as if your living life behind a glass window, and whenever you try to get pass the window it gets thicker and thicker. Fate is only a river's cross away, unfortunately there's no bridge to be found." "Dammit Jim, get your head out of the clouds!""Fuck is wrong with you man? You sound like a fuckin emo!" Of course you would never understand,you're more concerned about what's "in" rather then what you feel "inside". When there's something you hate, you hate it...when there's something you like, you like it... but its not that easy. It's never that easy. For some people life is just a car idling, but for others its one transmission problem after another. The farther and farther you get, the more distant and secluded you feel, you wanna push forward but you're reluctant. why? Cause the gripping lips of fear tell you otherwise, they tell you to get your head out of the clouds and stop analyzing life. Which in some cases is good, a true and happy life is that lived without boundaries, but; only a moron would go about not analyzing every situation. There are too many paths and outcomes. "So i'd rather keep my head in the clouds, it gives me a better view on the world from the heavens, and ill feel like i know exactly where i need to go when i get back down" --Jim

It was a cold night, definitely not a night for a party... but none the less, filipinos loved to gather. Jim generally didnt go 2 such things, his "white-washed" attitude filled him with disgust at the idea of going to a place full of "FOB{fresh off the boat}" filipinos and having to cater to girls he had felt no absolute attraction for. Dont get me wrong, he sure as hell loved being filipino, but let's just say it wasnt his "scene". This particular party though, it was at a close close close close family friend's house, and at the urging of one of his good filipino friends Jim decided to bundle up and head out. Jim feels no different, just another place to make an appearance to...say hi, eat food...drink here and there..leave...standard routine.

He gets there, its the usuals, except this time...there are two girls in the kitchen playing cards. Jim decides, why not..."hey". They smile. He begins his usual conversation methods. {Lets get it straight before the story progresses, though Jim maybe confused about life, I never said he wasnt social, in fact..he was quite known for being very good with communicating with the opposite sex :)} After awhile, he decides they're on the boring side and progresses to the garage to greet the men. Nothing new. Time flows by, slowly... Jim finally feels like its time to be heading out, when all of a sudden...she walks in

PART 3 Coming soon...please don't copy and/or redistribute this poorly told story with its numerous grammatical errors...thats a douche bag move!


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